New Zealand Wide Construction
Watts & Hughes Construction does not operate outside of New Zealand and has no intention of doing so.

North Shore District Court

Project Name
North Shore District Court - Recladding
Government Infrastructure
Ministry of Justice
Construction Management

This is an existing facility and one of the criteria for this project was that the courts were to remain in operation with as little disturbance as possible during the course of the constructions works.

To enable us to do this Watts & Hughes used our standard procedures for works in occupied spaces and developed some site-specific plans and methodologies to cater for the particular layout and functions of this court building.

These procedures included:

The early development of comprehensive programme to identify and sequence exterior works in a logical manner to avoid weather issues and any disruption to daily activities.

These programme and methodologies were reviewed and agreed with the client’s representative and amended as necessary to provide the best overall outcome for this element of works.

Watts & Hughes worked very closely with the court staff and the MOJ throughout the project, advising them of our weekly, monthly and bi-monthly operations.

Watts & Hughes worked outside court hours on a regular basis to reduce nuisance and disturbance to court staff and normal court operations. Watts & Hughes forecast upcoming works on a 4–6-month basis to allow for upcoming court activities and trial considerations.

Extensive building wrap was used to mitigate any damage or disturbance due to weather events.

New, acoustic internal hoardings were installed, floor to ceiling as necessary to segregate works and provide safety and security to the court staff and public. These hoardings are professionally cleaned on a regular basis and provided with warning and wayfinding signage as necessary.